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Putting Volunteering on the map in B&NES

11:00 am 1 September 2023
4:00 pm 1 September 2023

Charities in Bath and North East Somerset (B&NES) will come together on Friday, 1st
September to help celebrate, promote and inform local volunteers – past, present and

Bath and North East Somerset Third Sector Group (3SG) supports charities, community
groups and social enterprises across B&NES with over 220 members in its network.
Alongside HCRG, St Mungo’s and Apex Hotels, it will be hosting a Volunteer Fair, a first
for the local infrastructure organisation.

If successful, 3SG hopes that this pilot initiative will gain traction for an annual event,
helping to support organisations in need of volunteers and to encourage residents to
come along, find out more – and potentially sign up to offer their skills for charities that
need them.

3SG’s Director, Becky Brooks, said: “We often hear from the members that we support
that it is difficult to find volunteers. We hope that by organising this event, everyone can
come together to have really meaningful conversations around what volunteering can
do in our area, be it a one off, hour of your time or a longer term commitment.
“Sometimes people would like to volunteer, but are unsure of where to go, so it will be
great to showcase all of the amazing charities that we have here in B&NES and ways in
which local people can be involved. How much stronger would our area be if we all
volunteered more?
“3SG exists to support the local Third Sector, so our focus is always on strengthening
and finding solutions where possible. We can’t wait to welcome everyone to the Apex
Hotel on 1st September.”

Over 40 charities have signed up for the event, which will include fun, interactive stalls,
insightful talks, discussions and workshops throughout the day.

All are welcome and entry is free! Local residents and businesses are encouraged to
come along, meet local charities and engage in the workshops, which includes a
discussion on corporate social responsibility and meaningful connections, nurturing
volunteers and ways in which we can offer volunteering for those with little time.

The Volunteer Fair takes place on Friday, 1st September from 11 am – 4pm at the Apex
Hotel, Bath (BA1 2DA). Entry is via Charles Street for the Conference Centre, rather than
the main hotel entrance. All welcome to this free event!

For more information on 3SG, membership and its forthcoming events, visit: 3sg.org.uk

23 August 2023
Last Updated
23 August 2023
Published in