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Awarding Policy and Criteria 2024/25

Grants up to £1,000 (with larger amounts available in exceptional circumstances) are available to support charitable or voluntary activities operating in Westfield or for the people of Westfield (see map below).

Criteria for funding

To be eligible for a grant your project or organisation must benefit people within Westfield. Priority is given to projects or groups that improve the quality of life for people that live or work in Westfield

Applicants must give evidence in their application that the project meets local needs and has local support and ideally will demonstrate how the local community has been involved in their project.

Applicants should be clear about how their project will make a difference.

To apply for a grant you do not have to be a registered charity, as long as the work you do has charitable aims. Ideally, grants will be awarded to groups with a constitution (set of rules) and a management committee, however, in some circumstances the Parish Council can award grants towards projects which meet the grants criteria but are not being undertaken by a constituted group. The Parish Council cannot pay grants to a personal bank account; however, it may be able to use grant funds to pay project costs directly. If an organisation has its own bank account it must have at least two signatories to authorise payments.

Examples of grants

  • Citizens’ Advice B&NES – towards the cost of training volunteers
  • HeartTalks – towards furniture for a new centre
  • SWAN Advice – towards the cost of providing the service
  • Trinity Girls’ Brigade – towards cost of transport to summer camp
  • Westhill Club – towards the cost of upgrading the gents toilets

What we don’t fund

• Individuals
• General appeals
• Direct replacement of statutory funding
• Activities promoting political beliefs
• Activities promoting religious beliefs
• Overseas travel
• Arts projects with no community or charitable element
• Sports projects with no community or charitable element
• Medical research or equipment
• Animal welfare
• Projects that take place before an application can be processed and the decision communicated

Please note that conferences and exhibitions are usually given low priority.

When can you apply?

The deadline for receipt of completed application forms and supporting documentation is Monday 7th October at 4:30pm.

How to apply

You will need to complete an application form. You can download an application form below or request one to be sent by email or post by contacting Westfield Parish Council at council@westfieldparishcouncil.co.uk or calling 01761 410669.

As well as the completed application form you will also need to send by post or email the following:

• Your organisation’s most recent accounts or financial information
• A copy of your Safeguarding Policy if you work with children and young people or adults at risk

What will happen next?

Once we have received your application it will be assessed by Westfield Parish Council’s Grants Committee and then passed to full Council for a final decision on the allocation of grants. You should be notified of the outcome by the middle of November 2024.

If your application is successful you will receive an email detailing the amount of the grant and what it is to be used for.

Monitoring and evaluation

Some months following payment of the grants we will send you a grant monitoring form. This form asks for details of how the grant was spent and what was achieved.

Data Protection

We will use the personal data provided on the application form to process your application and to monitor the project. If you would like us to contact you about future grant funding opportunities you should tick the relevant box on the application form. In limited circumstances, we may be required to release information, including personal data and commercial information, on request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Please refer to our Privacy Notice page for more information.

If you feel that any other information about your application or project should not be made publicly available, please contact us to discuss this.

Equalities Policy

Westfield Parish Council recognises and values people’s differences and will assist them to use their talents to reach their full potential. The organisation will do all it can to ensure it recruits, trains and promotes people based on qualifications, experience and abilities for all roles within the organisation. Westfield Parish Council is unreservedly opposed to any form of discrimination on the grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation (defined as Protected Characteristics).

The full Equalities Policy can be viewed on our policies page.

Need more information?

Please contact the Parish Clerk at Westfield Parish Council, The Oval Office, Cobblers Way, Westfield BA3 3BX. Tel 01761 410669 or email council@westfieldparishcouncil.co.uk

Useful documents

4 September 2020
Last Updated
8 July 2024